Wednesday, 1 August 2018


What if you stop relying on other people including food manufacturing companies for all your food supplies?
What if you stop living in fear of what was in your food – all the secret toxins, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, GMOs etc.? What if instead of these suppliers you could get most of your vegetables, some fruits and a little more from your backyard? What if you can save some money from growing your own food and cut down on what you spend on drugs as a result ill-health that arise from consuming foods grown with chemicals? 
I strongly believe that many people want to be growing their own food. The rate at which many people went back to the once forsaken neighbourhood gardens in the last two years or thereabout in Nigeria is proof of this. Moreover, many people now want to know what is in their food and maybe more importantly what’s not. This is coming as a result of the alarming rise in terminal diseases all over the place. Diseases that were once associated with old age are now very common among young and middle age people. But if you didn’t grow up knowing how to raise your own food or if you don’t have anybody to teach you it can be really hard knowing where to start, what is feasible, what the best practices are, how to make it work with what you have where you are right now and how to create the time to do it particularly if you are the busy type. That’s why I decided to do these series. 
Hopefully I will be able to encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities that I will be presenting to begin a journey in which you can take control of what constitutes your diet and what you put in the plate for your family. Have you ever dreamed about tending your very own little urban garden complete with wholesome food? Have you ever dreamed about playing an active role in ensuring healthy food supply for your family as opposed to chemical contaminated food supplies? Have you ever dreamed of playing an active role in proactive health whereby you prevent your body from illness via your diet as opposed to reactive health whereby you allow your body to come down with illness because you refuse to take control of your diet and then you start looking for cure? Have you ever desired to cut down on your food expenses but do not know how? 
In these series, I’ll be guiding you practically on how to create an urban food garden or forest as the case may be. I have done it. My dream was to be self-sufficient in terms of food production. Although I’m not totally there I can tell you that I have come a long way. Today, I grow all the vegetables my family eats and really, I grow a few.

I grow spices that we use in the kitchen to replace the MSGs we once consumed. I grow herbs for daily detoxification. I raise my own chickens and I raise my own fish. I also grow some fruits because I firmly believe that every house must have at least one fruit tree. By the way, I do all of these on a plot of land. I use every available space I find to grow food. Now it’s your turn to take control of your diet and ultimately your health and that of your family.